Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Well, home now and trying to catch up on the trip.  Lack of cell and internet connection made posting more challenging than I expected.  And things were quite a bit busier than I had imagined.  But fun nonetheless!

Anyhow, I thought I would at least document the trip after the fact.  So many fun memories and pictures to capture!  And maybe next time I can get more real time...

Dori posted the final numbers on Facebook - 5,800 miles, 9 states, 9 national parks, 5 weeks.  We got to see a full lunar cycle - full moon in Glacier, new moon at Dead Horse Point (and some crazy star watching), back to a full moon by Crater Lake.  And we got to see the days shortening as we went - fun to look back at Glacier where it seemed the sun would never set.

So much incredible country.  And we felt like we barely scratched the surface.  Everything was so amazingly different - from the grandeur of Glacier to the beauty of Utah and the power of Yosemite.

Everyone held up well.  And although being back in our beds was nice (and home with LEGOs and Minecraft), it was a bit sad to say goodbye to the RPod.

Where is that Xbox?!?

Pagliacci at home - yum

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