Friday, August 22, 2014


Into Zion

Having driven across the state twice now, we thought we had seen everything there was to see in Utah.  We were wrong.  Zion immediately announced that this was nothing we had seen before.  New types of rock formations, gorgeous canyons and giant alcoves.

Up the Narrows

 Our first full day in Zion marked an early (for us) 8 AM start to get outfitted in boots and walking sticks to hike the Narrows.  We spent the day hiking up the Virgin River deeper and deeper into the canyons.

Look at these cool shoes!

Sticks, rocks, and a river - perfect!

Exploring some caves

"This is the best hike ever!"

Resurrection moss
Jon from Zion Adventure Company.  We will be back for canyoneering...
Virgin River
We were lucky to get a campsite on the Virgin River for our three nights in Zion.  We arrived on Friday, July 24 (Day 15) just after a thunderstorm.  The river was running red with Utah mud.  It proved to be a fun playground and we spent most of our second day in Zion tubing the river.  Mom hiked up to the Weeping Rock while the boys played in the river.  The river was flowing brown with Utah mud from rains further up the valley.  Our swimsuits will forever carry a part of Utah with us!
That night we capped off our stay with a trip into Springdale and dinner at the Bit and Spur.  Best burritos of the trip!
Virgin River running red after rains
Breakfast by the river

Under the protective gaze of the Watchmen
Jacob getting up close with the river

Sam has more success
Papa a bit low in the water

Weeping Rock - it takes 1,200 years for the water to filter through the rock

Zion Canyon

Dinner at the Bit and Spur in Springdale


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